How to style short hair

When I had long hair, I hardly ever bothered to style it. I just left it down or up in a messy bun. I find it much more fun to style my hair now, when its shorter. And its neither more complicated or time consuming. I guess that`s why I`ve liked my hair short for such a long time! Here are my four favorite ways of styling my currently short bob.

1: Natural. I usually wear my hair pretty natural, with a little help that is. It is naturally dry and light in texture. It easily gets messy with some sort of curl going on. So I use a good conditioning treatment, let it air dry, and fluff up the curls with some styling mousse. Add a headband, and it looks like this:

2:Straight forward. I prefer to straighten my hair if I`m going to dress up casually. I always use heat protective serum, and let it dry,  before bashing it with the straightening iron. I leave my bangs down or to the side. (mostly to the side out of habit)

3:Preppy! Well I`m not really preppy, and styling my hair like this often makes me feel like a whole different person! But sometimes that`s what you`re after, right? I sometimes need to straighten out my hair before I do this, but most of the time it works just fine with just some combing. I backcomb the back of my head, smooth it over again, and then just pin all the hair back behind the ears. If your bangs are too short, you could make a cute swirl, or just leave it like this:

4:Rock inspired: I love this look! Be brave and have fun. Mostly just make a big fluffy puff on top and pin back the sides. You could make braids on the sides, or just pin one side back to make an illusion of a side cut. With some heavier makeup and feathers this rocks:) 

Good luck, and have fun with your short hair!


  1. Love this, you look great with all four looks! :)

  2. Eg lige at du blogge så mye for tiå!! :-D

  3. Så kule frisøyrer! Du skulle tatt en runde med min sveis... sammme "dølle" frisyren ;-p

    1. Ja, det er alltid kjekt å prøve noko nytt! Men ein må jo ha tida og lyst sjølvsagt!

  4. You totally rock all four styles! I routinely clip my hair back with the bangs in front to mask my giant forehead but I'm going to try and spruce it up with a headband sometime- I like that look a lot.

    1. yeah, I love to wear headbands, its like the simplest way of making it look better, with no products or anything!

  5. Maria, jeg får en så god følelse når jeg ser du har oppdatert, men pass på så du ikke bruker all nyvunnen energi med en gang. Du er fantastisk! Ta vare på deg selv, de rundt deg og nyt dagen :)

    1. Takk for omtanke! Dei fleste innlegga eg har lagt ut i det siste har eg skrive på førehand, på dagar der eg har hatt energi og lyst til å skriva. Så eg følar ikkje at eg har brukt så mykje energi på det! Heldigvis:) Takk for gode ord! Dei varmar, masse!

  6. Like fin uansett! Da jeg hadde kortERE hår styla jeg det så viiidt, men jeg har hatt langt hår mesteparten av livet - uten å style det, heeehe ;)


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